Software Training Falmouth University
bite size courses
How do I book a place?
  • Students can book a place via the online payments. All information is on the courses pages accessed by the links above.
Do I have to pay?
  • Your course fees are already covered by the tuition fees you pay to the university, however there are exam and booking fees which we keep to the absolute minimum, typically £41 for ACA courses and £3.50 for Bitesize courses
Who Teaches the Courses?
  • There are two members of the Software training Team: Susannah Travis and Victoria Weavers. To contact us please email
Can I use my own laptop?
  • We strongly recommend using the facilities provided. Then we can make sure we are all using the same version of the software, and you will easily be able to access the files and resources that we provide to you.
Mac or PC - what’s the difference?
  • Besides the slight difference in opening and saving files on a Mac (using Finder) and Windows (using Explorer), that's just about it. Macs use the ‘Command' key and Windows uses the 'Control' key. So if you've learnt on a Mac and then switch to use Windows (or vice versa), don't worry – you'll adapt quickly.
Can I get help with my own projects?
  • We recommend you book yourself into one of the Surgery troubleshooting sessions which allow you 20 minutes with a software trainer where you can discuss your issues and work on specific problems.Link is on the nav bar above
Do I get a certificate?
  • If you are enrolled on an ACA course, you will receive a certificate on successful completion of the exam. If you attend a Bitesize session your attendance will be recorded on your employability record on the Career Hub.